Deciding when your children should start preschool is a parent’s responsibility. Based on the educational norms in your area, screen a list of schools and gather information on the curriculum, faculty, and how well you have prepared your child for learning through fun activities. Despite all preparations, children will have separation anxiety and initial settling-down issues. With a little coaxing and familiarizing, you will be able to help your child prepare for preschool. Let’s see how.
Introduce Fun Learning Materials
Give learning materials like wild and domestic animal miniatures your child can feel and understand. Colored cubes and other solid geometric shapes to learn the names are tools that can help your child into the learning mode organically.
Getting Ready To School Act
Get a bag, a coloring book or scribbling pad, a snack box, a dress, and shoes for your child. Ask him to get ready and give him a creatively designed space in your house where he sits and learns for some time, does what he likes, and then even takes a nap. Make sure you or an adult in the family joins him when he sits down to learn. Doing this every day until the preschool session begins will give the child the idea that he has to get ready and go.
Bed-side Talks
When your child is just about to sleep, talk about going to a new place called the school, where he will make new friends and play. Don’t forget to mention that you, too, have been to this place before and loved it. Build the excitement so that the child is eager to go and wouldn’t be very anxious.
Communicate With Teachers
While admitting your child to a preschool, make sure you find time to interact with the teachers there to share your anxieties and get feedback on how to prepare your child for the first days of school. They will be more than happy to help you and your child with suggestions that work.