Something which has been done for generations together-oil massaging. Grandmothers and aunts used to sit around the new mother and the baby and give both a full body oil massage and a hot water bath. Well, we might not have those beautiful moments anymore, but oil is still the No. 1 nourishment the hair needs. Oil provides the optimum moisture needed for the scalp to stay non-itchy and flake-free…
The market today has a variety of baby oils for you to choose from, but coconut, almond and mustard oils have proven to the most effective and healthy. Olive & castor oils are good alternatives. A Good Tip: A few grains of rice and 4-5 pepper seeds added to coconut makes for a good hair growth booster.
Any kind of body growth is deeply connected to the food we eat. Diet is another strong factor. Your baby’s diet should have a good amount of vitamin D and proteins like dry-fruits(especially almonds and walnuts), carrots, greens and dals. A diet rich in B12 and vitamin E will be a great enhancer. A date/walnut each day will make more hair sway!
Conditioning the hair is a contemporary hair care activity. In the olden days, oil used to be nourishing enough for the scalp. But with today’s abundant pollution & dust, the scalp needs much more than just oil. So after you shampoo your little one (of course before shampooing, make sure you oil your baby’s hair) some natural conditioners like honey & virgin oil or a combination of avocado pulp, a tablespoon of honey and coconut oil when left for 15 minutes prove to be deep conditioners. Homemade conditioners like curd, egg-white also are effective.
To enable hair growth, you need to make sure you control hair fall. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to brush or comb your baby’s hair often. Don’t let hair get frizzy or curly and avoid split-ends from forming by combing often. Also, avoid washing the hair too often; it makes the scalp dry and causes hair fall. Avoid keeping the scalp too moist too, dandruff and flakes get easily formed and cause more hair fall.
Whoever thought that gelatin helps in hair growth! But gelatin contains amino acids which not only help strengthen baby’s hair but also boost the immune system. Before hair wash, mix equal amounts of hot and cold water, a teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar each, and massage your baby’s scalp nicely. After it dries wash your baby’s hair with shampoo.