“Study well! Only then will you get a good job when you grow up”. How often did your parents say this to you? And how many of you are still saying this to your children?
Children are a universe of knowledge by themselves. As adults, it’s delightful to come across surprising insights from your young ones when you least expect it. Well, it can be tricky to keep them on the right path.How can you help your children avoid the pressure and unhealthy escape mechanisms? With simple changes in your approach, you can be their best motivators and role models.
- Encourage a Love of Learning
Children should be able to love books and related activities as much as they love toys and games. To a great extent, primary caretakers and role models can make a big difference in their relationship with learning. How much they love their teachers affects their interest in a subject. In case your child is uninterested don’t be afraid to pitch in. Talk to your child about how the subject or teacher changed your life. Give real examples and, if possible, show something to prove it. On the whole, studying should be enjoyable.
- Connect Concepts to Real Life Scenarios
When you present a topic to your child, keep it as simple as possible. Connect it with real-life scenarios which the child is familiar with. By quoting interesting examples children will remember concepts. It is one of the simplest ways to create interest in your child and encourage them to study well.
- Set Realistic Goals
Remember to spend more time with your child when they study. This way, you can observe their attention span and attitude towards learning. Make sure you understand their inquisitive nature and have patience with them. Depending on your observations, give them goals. Encourage your child to try and motivate them if they are lagging. This way they feel good about studying.
- Talk to their Teachers
It is good to talk to their teacher and share feedback about your child’s attitude towards studies. Generally, when parents see their child perform poorly in academics, they blame the school and teachers. Instead, taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to their teachers once in a while would help you understand your child better. Based on the teacher’s feedback, you can apply a different technique if needed. Don’t forget to thank the teacher if the technique worked.
- Do not Create Unnecessary Stress.
Each child has a different attention span. Some children may only concentrate for a few hours a day. Forcing them to attain goals and meet your expectations can cause stress. It is the least needed because it’s not performance but the knowledge gained that matters.
Give them breaks, playtime, refreshments, and constant motivation until they realize the importance of their studies. As parents, you can give them ample time to create interest in studies and make sure they follow timetables to achieve their goals.
With a different approach to your child’s studies, you can see results that speak for themselves.