Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry. Alvin Price
It’s important for children to grow up having a sense of self-worth. As adults, it helps foster a positive outlook, appreciate one’s efforts, work towards success, and, build relationships. In fact, children with a healthy sense of self-worth grow up to be more successful adults. So, start young!
Here are some ways to foster self-esteem in children.
- Respect your Child
Parents should understand their children’s unique characteristics. Don’t try to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ by unnecessarily comparing your child with others. Instead, make an effort to find out their thoughts and how they plan to approach a problem or situation.
- Be a Guide.
When children start something new, it’s natural to be anxious and worried. Guide them through whatever the process is. Help them until they gain the confidence to do it all by themselves.
- Build Their Strengths
Each child is different, and as parents, it is important to identify your child’s strengths. Some children may be very kind and helpful, whereas some may depict good leadership qualities from a very young age. Give them opportunities to build on their strengths and nurture them.
- Independence
Children should ideally experience independence as they grow. They should learn to handle situations on their own at school, manage their homework, projects and sometimes even take care of their siblings. Parents should interfere only when absolutely necessary. Giving them the space to grow and think independently will build their self-esteem and boost their decision-making process in the future.
- Participate in Sports.
Being an active participant in any sport will bring discipline and self-confidence to children. When playing as a team, they learn to respect their teammates and care for each other. Apart from the physical benefits, sports help children develop and control emotional, behavioral, and social skills.
- Show Appreciation
Today parents and teachers care to appreciate children for even the tiniest of achievements. Of course, it brings a world of joy and pride to them. But remember to praise them for the good job they do, their effort, and their attitude rather than just the outcome.