Until a couple of decades ago, IQ was a more popular acronym than EQ. However, with the spread of meaningful education systems, emotional intelligence is now inevitable in academics and schools. The parent-child relationship also discovers its purpose when emotional intelligence forms the foundation on which positive emotions work wonders for both.
This week let’s dwell on how emotional intelligence helps parents to become optimistic and why it’s advantageous to children.
No Failures Are Permanent
Optimistic parents will be able to teach their children how to be optimistic as well. Being positive in all situations allows children to describe their problems more effectively by focusing more on solutions than the problem itself. It also allows them to think of setbacks as temporary rather than permanent.
Flexible Mindset
Emotional Intelligence help parents teach their children a flexible mindset rather than the old-fashioned fixed mindset about abilities and talents. A fixed mindset says that talents are inborn, with little or no room for self-improvement, while a flexible one says that it’s possible with hard work and experience.
Ability To Take Risks
Parents can better define success and failure differently from conventional ways. They help their children take risks and actively look for ways that they can learn from any mistakes instead of discouraging them from taking risks entirely.
Learning Opportunities
When children face the realities of life, it makes them better human beings. Using emotional intelligence, parents should guide their children through failures instead of trying to protect them from them as it’s a learning opportunity and helps them learn new things and become better and stronger as they grow.