Podcasts are great for getting your message out, because they allow you to discuss and spread your thoughts easily and become an expert in your chosen topic. You do not have to worry about missing a deadline or having another guest ready to go, as you can go solo too.
Also, podcasts are easy to start, since there are now so many tools on the market. Start with one show Monday through Friday, and build from there.
Choose a topic

Once you have an idea for your first podcast, it is time to pick a topic. The best way to do this is to sit down and think of every reason you would want to listen to a new podcast and pick an idea from there.
For example, if your topic wanted to teach you how to ride a bike, then there are many bike related podcasts that you can start. If the topic wanted to explain yoga poses, then there are yoga-related podcasts that will do that.
Gallup suggests looking at at least five topics and mixing them up. This will help find something new to talk about and start producing content!
Picking a very narrow topic can be difficult when starting out, as you need enough space to produce content on each of the topics required.
Pick a co-host

Now, let’s talk about how to start your own podcast. How do you pick the right co-host for your show?
The right co-host for your show depends on what kind of show you have.
If your show is a discussion show, then you should look for a person who can make a good discussion leader. She or he must be able to match her or his words with those of other people on the show, which is why it is called a discussion.
If your show is an entertainment channel, then you should look for someone who can make good entertainment content.
Choose a name

Once you have an idea for your podcast, it is time to pick a name. Choosing a name that makes sense for your podcast is also going to be about choosing a easy-to-remember and catchy name.
There are two things that determine what name you choose, the first being what name you want to stick out as a person or organization. For example, if you want to start a podcast about cooking, then looking into starting a restaurant review podcast or cooking school podcast would be your guide to choosing a good name.
The second thing that determines the name is how it applies to the content. For example, if your podcast’s content focused on health and wellness issues, then using short forms or words that describe health and wellness like ‘Health is Wealth’ or ‘HealthUp’ would be great and stick out of the crowd.
When considering names, look up examples of them and think of how they apply to the content of the podcast or content of the group or organization.
Pick a consistent length

While it is fun to start your own podcast, please be careful to not go too long without starting a new episode.
Start out small and build your audience over time. Try out a free show first to see if people find it valuable enough to keep listening.
A good length for a regular episode is between only 5 and 10 minutes long. This way, you have plenty of material left over for discussion and stories!
Depending on what kind of show you start, there may be different length requirements.
Choose an episode format

After you have decided on a topic or area of interest based on your expertise, it is time to pick your episode format. There are several ways to start your podcast, so today we will discuss some tips for starting in the middle.
Start out by making one short episode focused on introducing your topic and then gradually add more content over the course of a season. This way, you will be able to gather some feedback from your listeners and add more content with ease.
Then, create another short episode focusing on discussing your subject further and ending with a call to action or invitation to join you. This way, you will have two short episodes combined into one long episode.
Now that you have these two episodes, start recording them and edit them together! Make sure you have the right equipment to avoid audio issues that may cause voices to sound distorted or incomplete.
Create cover art

There’s a lot of tools and services that let you create cover art for your podcast. Most of them are free. A few cost money, but they are more helpful if you have one already!
Many of them are designed right into their programs so all you have to do is enter your information and download. Some apps even include creating a cover art as part of the program!
Get a professional intro

The first minute of every podcast you create is called the intro. It includes your name, address, and a link to your website/app so people can find you.
It’s crucial that you give your listeners a little bit of information to get them excited about listening to your podcast. This includes linking to your website or providing some information about yourself and sharing why you are an expert on the topic of your choosing.
By giving away some info about yourself, your listeners will be more likely to trust you as a speaker and listen to what you have to say. This is very important for running a successful podcast, as listeners will spend a lot of time trying to find the right expert to give their time to.
Choose intro music

Choosing the right music/soundtrack for your podcast is an integral part to creating a podcast that people will love and remember. It’s not enough to pick any music, every song has a place in your show!
The right music makes people feel energized and entertained, which is what you want your listeners to feel when listening to your podcast. It sets the mood and inspires listeners to listen longer.
Look for good copyright-free soundtracks or hire a good audio-engineer to create your unique piece.
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