Streaming services have become the new normal way to access content. With so many available, you are surely wonder-ing how you can choose?!
With so many choices, it can be difficult to decide which one to use. This article will go over some of the most common and not-so-common streaming services for your laptop, television, iPhone, and Android device.
For entertainment purposes, watching movies and television shows is the best choice ever.
Amazon Prime Video

With the introduction of Prime Video, almost every major streaming service has a new way to pay for Amazon’s service. You can get it through Apple TV, iOS and Android devices, or the Amazon Fire TV.
How Much You Will Be Charged will depend on how you use the service. You can watch two-hundred movies and TV shows for free occasionally, but if you want to see more then you will have to pay.
The best way to use it is by subscribing to as many Amazon Prime memberships as you have available, because then you get all of these freebies. You will also get free unlimited shipping and receiving which is a must with this service!
To access Prime Video on your device, look for the red button that says Add Device and select it from there.

If you are a fan of HBO’s Game of Thrones or The Last Templar then you should check out HBO Max. It offers over 50 hours of content in its entirety, which is more than enough to keep you busy for days!
The service is only available at the moment for US customers, but that does not mean it is not worth it. This is because the pricing is slightly higher than the standard HBO app.
However, this premium experience is well worth it as it gives you more content than just the original series and original movies. You will also get some of your other shows such as Degrassi: The Next Generation and Young & Hungry.
You can stream it on your computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Paramount +

If you’re a fan of The Hunger Games series, then you should check out Paramount +. It’s an exclusive streaming service for the entire series, as well as the movie Prequel: The War Of The Roses.
Paramount + is an amazing way to keep up with the series and get exclusive merchandise. They have a quarterly release cycle with new episodes, so you will not have to wait long before seeing them.
This service is not available for all platforms, so make sure to check out their website to see if it is available to you. It’s also not supported on all devices, but that can be fixed by having the right version of Adobe Flash installed.
This app is very expensive, around $10 per month, but it is well worth it. You will never have to worry about being left out because you do not have access to it.
Fox Searchlight

If you are a movie lover, then streaming services other than Netflix and Prime may excite you for more choice.
You can watch TV shows and upcoming TV shows on these streaming services. However, you must have a certain device or app to do so.
With this option, you can save money by not buying the full movie or show season pass because it is more expensive then just buying it as a single item.
CBS All Access

With the launch of CBS All Access, people are now able to watch more things on streaming services other than just the regular broadcast networks. You no longer have to pay for a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription for these additional shows and movies.
What makes this service different from the rest is that it is a streaming service. It does not use your normal TV watching patterns, so you have to think about how to access it. It requires a computer or mobile device, and then you can watch what you want!
This service is a great way to get more things into your lifestyle. Not only do you get to enjoy the new shows and old favorites you so much, but you save money in the process. Many people report that they paid only $5 per month when they had enough free credit on their phone to make it worth it.
Disney +

If you are a fan of The Incredibles orurionally-speaking, then you should definitely give Disney + a try.
This new app for the Apple tv/android device allows you to watch videos and stream them directly to your tv. You can also create playlists and control your television via the app.
Disney + has become very popular since it launched, mostly because of its availability of free content. You will be able to watch The Incredibles, Frozen, Toy Story, and Avengers films for free on this service.
However, there are some charges involved for users, like buying access to set an initial time limit on a challenge or creating an account using an existing account gap without having the content updated with new content.

Tidal is a music streaming service designed for modern day music lovers. It allows you to browse through over 500 premium and free songs in a unique Choose Your Own Path system.
You can choose to start at the beginning, or take it as you leave- you will never stop being able to add new ones to your profile.
The majority of songs on the service are purchased tracks, with a few rare free ones. This is intentional – music has always been one of our most sacred memories, and we want to create memories with our friends by sharing our listening habits.
This makes sense – music is such an integral part of life that we re-create it with dance routines, artists we love and sources we turn to for inspiration.
Apple TV

The Apple TV is a great device to have if you are a fan of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime. It will let you watch your favorite shows and movies as they are streamed directly to your own server.
Unlike with the streaming services that are downloaded, you do not have access to the Apple TV through its app on your phone or computer. You must actually set up the Apple TV via its website.
This is because it does not run an app on a device that can be connected to it. You must set up the device by physically entering your code on the remote.
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