Do you often have those moments where you lose all the patience because your kid just won’t listen to you?
Well, you can easily avoid such moments by teaching your kids- Discipline.
Teaching discipline to kids can equip them to face life’s challenges in future, help them manage stress, and guide them in making healthy choices even when you’re not around.
But remember, discipline doesn’t mean punishments. Because, punishments are humiliating for children and could cause anger, aggression or resentment. Rather discipline is a lifelong learning process that is built on talking, listening and guidance.
So experiment with different, smart and positive ways to discipline your kid and determine which work best for your child.
Here are some simple ways you can use to teach your kids discipline without punishing them:
Set a mutual routine. By doing the same thing every day your kid will get used to having a routine and following it. And, when your kid knows what to do when he will be less distracted by other things. But instead of dictating the rules of following a routine, follow it with them. This will slowly help them implement the routine without your assistance.
Explain to them calmly why discipline is important. While lengthy lectures and explanations could become boring for your munchkin; a quick gist of the underlying reasons behind why rules are made will help them understand it’s importance. Instead of saying, “keep your shoes in the rack.” Say, “keep your shoes in the rack so that no one tosses over them and also you’ll find them easily when needed.”
Be a role model for the behaviour you expect to see. Kids learn most of the things by watching you. So show your cupcake the behaviour you’d like to see in them by doing it yourself. This will help them learn faster.
Praise for good behaviour. Praising your little one for good and positive behaviour increases the likelihood of them repeating the behaviour. Even saying, “Great job for putting your toys in the shelf,” can encourage a repeat performance.
Encourage problem-solving skills. Rather than helping your buttercup with a problem, ask them what according to them could be a possible solution. You might be amazed after hearing their creative solutions. Remember, assistance in basic chores is the first negative step towards self-discipline.