As we enter the second month of summer we must focus on staying hydrated in the most healthy way possible. Apart from water, what else could making hydration a fun filled & tasty process?-Yes, you guessed it fruits! Stock up on the following 5 summer fruits
First up the one and only-Watermelon-a bite into this juicy red fruit is as good as a dip in the pool! Rich in nutrients & vitamins like A, B6 & C, 92% of the fruit contains water making it the #1 summer fruit! What tops all of this?-it’s fat-free!
Apple has always been under the spotlight, but it very close cousin, Pear is a strong competitor for the spotlight as well, especially during the summer. Pear is considered more fibrous than the apple, and though it’s high on calories & carbs, this unassuming fruit helps in digestion & boost immune system. The fruit enhances the overall health of the body.
If you’re suffering from constipation, Mosambi/sweet lime is the fruit for you. Known for its dietary fibre, sweet lime will flush out all the toxins from your system. This juicy, nutritious fruit is also one of the favourites among juice lovers. It keeps you cool while you fight this hot, vengeful summer!
Considered the all-rounder summer fruit-papaya is not only enjoyed by the taste buds but also by the skin & hair. Papaya’s skin, leaves and seeds contain enzymes that diminish scars and blemishes. As far as hair is concerned papaya extracts helping in controlling dandruff, reducing flakes & hair thinning. Nourish your child’s scalp with the perfect combo of papaya, banana yoghurt & coconut oil and see the astounding results!
And of course, how can you forget the king of all fruits-Mango! Ironically the favourite summer fruit is known to increase body heat, now how can you combat this without missing out on the mango season? Try the raw. Green mango-which comparatively is healthier and cooler than it’s orange/yellow counterpart. Raw mango juice with a sweetener for taste is the best summer fruit drink you can give your kids! Rich in vitamins A & C, it helps boost the immune system!