Getting good scores in exams is an indication of one aspect of a child’s learning abilities. Some children manage all A grades by understanding concepts well whereas, some just by rote learning. If your child is consistently scoring below average grades you should step in to understand and help. Here are some tips for you to handle a bad grades scenario at home.
Convey the Importance of Grades
You may have observed that at a young age, children write their exams without any inhibition. They face exams without fear and walk carefree even when the results are declared. Fear of results gets into their mind only when parents or teachers give a negative impression of poor grades. Ideally, if parents communicate the importance of good grades, kids will strive for it from the start. Make sure they try their best when you motivate them.
Find out What is Going Wrong.
Not all children have the capacity to grasp concepts clearly on the first go. They might respond better to a different style of learning. This should be noticed either by the parent or the teacher and communicated to each other. Teachers may not give that extra care while managing a class of 25 to 30 students. However, as parents, if you spend homework time together, you can find out where the child is struggling and what kind of help can be resorted to. Sometimes a home tutor or extra time with the child could help.
Do not Show your Frustration.
Remember, a child who has got bad grades may feel down or discouraged. Do not show your frustration which could make things worse. Take a softer approach and allow the child to talk about why the scores were low. Be supportive and ask them how you can help. When they come up with a solution, you can hold them accountable, and they would care to work hard.
Grade and Child- Two Different units.
You should be able to separate grades from your child’s feeling of self worth. It is the best way to give confidence to your child so they do what they are passionate about. Though their scores may have been poor, that doesn’t define the way you see them or your love for them. Encourage them to do well in everything they love.
Be Aware of the Pressure.
Children often find it difficult to perform under pressure. Parents should be careful not to compare results with another because it could hurt the child’s ego. The pressure created from such unnecessary comparison will not let your child focus on his inner strengths.
No Reward No Punishment
Rewarding a child who scores well in exams is not recommended. When rewarded they are bound to take exams as an event to compete, whereas it is not. Similarly, a child who scores badly shouldn’t be punished. Instead, their luxuries such as video games and TV time could be cut short, but not their physical activities, such as football, basketball, or swimming.
Though we all know that good grades are necessary, we should draw the line before pressure grip the child’s life negatively. Love and support them so that they are future-ready. Everything else is a game that they will skillfully play on their own.